5 Ways Boaters Can Help the Environment

March 12, 2019

No boater wants to cruise, swim or wakeboard in waters that are filthy and polluted, or explore a coastline littered with trash. That’s why a clean, healthy environment is as necessary for a good day of boating as water and a boat itself. Here are five things boaters can do to help keep the waters they boat in clean.

Never discharge sewage from your boat anywhere close to the shore. Make sure to check local regulations and use pumpout facilities.

Recycle anything you can, including batteries, paints and antifreeze. Also, never throw your trash into the water. This may seem obvious to you, but you might be surprised at how often it still happens. Pack your trash and then dispose of it properly on land.

Monofilament fishing line is terribly harmful to marine life. Properly dispose of your line at a recycling location onshore. You can find a location at

Regularly checking and maintaining your boat’s equipment will keep things running efficiently and prevent fluids from leaking into the water.

When getting gas, make sure not to spill fuel into the water.

Also, do any cleaning, painting or maintenance to your boat on land to keep any materials from getting into the water.

An image of a fishing rod on the sea, the scenery depicts a sunset.